May 21, 2008

Hornet Juice #2

Interesting. Today after waking up at 6:30 and feeling a little tired I had a glass of water with the Hornet Juice as I posted earlier. Since then I'm full of energy. Not only have I completed the one hour morning hill climbing on bike trainer and fel great, I continued with my usual work routine. Which lately consist of about 120 phone calls in the morning and another set in the afternoon. This is spiced-up with mails and occasional work related IM, NetMeeting or WebEx. Surprisingly I felt great the whole day and at 4 p.m. when I had 30 minutes open slot on my calendar I laced-up and went out for easy 3.5 miler. Just got back for my last phone call and e-mails. I wonder what they put in this thing that it keeps you going like this. I wonder how will I feel tomorrow and if I will crash later today. I'll definitely use this on Friday for the Gold Challenge.